Finding Joy

  • 2013
  • 96 Mins
  • All Age
  • Rating 5
  • 104

Pompous and self-absorbed Kyle, is unhappily stuck in his life, longing to relive the success of his first novel. His not-so-desirable life rapidly unravels forcing him to return home to his wildly eccentric family with his tail between his legs. Life at home begins to show signs of improvement when Kyle meets the spunky, vivacious girl across the street who recruits Kyle to help her make the world a better place, making him feel alive for the first time in ages and inspiring his writing. But its short-lived. Joys been told shes going to die soon and wants Kyle to write her obituary.

Directors Carlo De Rosa
Starring Josh Cooke, Liane Balaban, Barry Bostwick, Lainie Kazan
Genres Comedy
Subtitles -
Audio Languages English

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